About 3N2 Umpire Shoes
As an umpire or referee, you spend countless hours behind the plate or on the court. Whether it’s baseball or basketball, softball or soccer, the game rides on your every call and there’s no place you’d rather be. You also know better than anyone what a toll officiating can take on your feet and knees. 3N2’s full line of officiating gear - including umpire shoes, referee shoes, jackets, shirts, and accessories – was developed to ease the physical wear and tear of officiating, allowing you to stay comfortable and on top of the game. 3N2’s line of Reaction umpire shoes and referee shoes offer the most balanced blend of performance, comfort, and protection in the market. 100% Genuine leather, reinforced carbon fiber plates, purpose-built outsoles: our shoes hit the sweet spot where quality construction meets superior performance.

Learn more about our range of umpire shoes, referee shoes, and officiating gear by clicking on a section to the left.